"Although we could now write numbers down and say them concisely, we had not thought of everything. Or to be more precise, we had not thought of nothing. Zero had not been invented -- and that was a big problem."
What would happen if the number system was changed back when it was being first created to not have the same words or symbols that reflect or numerical system?
It is interesting to know when numbers were created. Sometimes I've wonder on things such as this. Almost like asking "how was bread first discovered?" It is good to have background knowledge and knowing how our number system came to be!
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Math Blog QQC due 10/12/11
"You know, just about every sport is in some sense a ream sport. No one does it alone"
How should I change in order to develop more of a growth mindset instead of a fixed mindset?
I really enjoyed reading this article. I had seen the movie "Moneyball" before hand, and had heard of Beane's struggles. Hearing about the two opposing mindsets helped me to recognize why certain things went on in the sports I was in. Also now I can look at other aspects of life and ponder one whether I could tackle a problem with a growth mindset at all.
How should I change in order to develop more of a growth mindset instead of a fixed mindset?
I really enjoyed reading this article. I had seen the movie "Moneyball" before hand, and had heard of Beane's struggles. Hearing about the two opposing mindsets helped me to recognize why certain things went on in the sports I was in. Also now I can look at other aspects of life and ponder one whether I could tackle a problem with a growth mindset at all.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Math Blog QQC due 6/17/11
"This was the first American-discovered planet, and no one was going to be distracted by the thought that it was really just a distant icy dot. It was named Pluto at least partly because the first two letters made a monogram from Lowell's initials. Lowell was posthumously hailed everywhere as a genius of the first order, and Tombaugh was largely forgotten, except among planetary astronomers, who tend to revere him."
Why do people have to be so ignorant and not realize the true founder of discoverer of a discovery?
It amazes me how one person manages to discover something important and if they aren't fast enough to take the responsibility for it they can be forgotten. Dropped like they did not exist, I wonder how these inventors and discoverers react when they are ignored or left not to be acknowledged.
Why do people have to be so ignorant and not realize the true founder of discoverer of a discovery?
It amazes me how one person manages to discover something important and if they aren't fast enough to take the responsibility for it they can be forgotten. Dropped like they did not exist, I wonder how these inventors and discoverers react when they are ignored or left not to be acknowledged.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Math QQC Due 6.10.11
"How do they know what goes on inside an atom? And how, come to that- or perhaps above all-can scientists so often seem to know nearly everything but then still can't predict an earthquake"
How much of what we know will be applicable in future years?
It is a vastly interesting point of view, that everything we hold to be true is actually undetermined. We hold certain "truths" but we cannot entirely tell whether or not they are real. Most things are theoretical, and with science, certain theories could be proven wrong later down the line.
How much of what we know will be applicable in future years?
It is a vastly interesting point of view, that everything we hold to be true is actually undetermined. We hold certain "truths" but we cannot entirely tell whether or not they are real. Most things are theoretical, and with science, certain theories could be proven wrong later down the line.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Math Blog Test
This post is labeled with a tag called "math", this is to help others locate the specific math part of my school blog.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Semester 2 Blog 12
Dear Obama,
regarding the events happening in the Middle East and North Africa, it is strongly suggested that you should consider instituting the Marshall Law in these countries. The Marshall Law, if used effectively, could "combat poverty and disease and allow the continent access to markets in the industrialised world". There is an opportunity for the US instituting the Marshall Law in these countries besides the growth of those countries. We can build a trade relationship with countries such as Libya, and Afghanistan. As it is, there are forces that dislike our occupation in such countries, but if we were to build up the countries, and help them prosper and become independent, then they could become mutually allied with us, or at least not against us. This would take a load off of debt that has been growing due to the war in Afghanistan and our efforts in Libya. Gordon Brown, the British Treasury Chief Gordon Brown has suggested some movements to instituting the Marshall Law. I like his idea of erasing debt, "Brown proposed erasing all the debts African nations owe to multilateral institutions like the World Bank, the African Development Bank and the International Monetary Fund." If we were to do this, erase the debt off the slate and allow those countries to grow and develop, then they could eventually assist us in efforts in the future such as stopping terrorism and keeping UN law enforced.
This quote sums up my feelings about the Marshall Law to be used in the 21st century,
"'A new Marshall plan should enable us to improve economic relations and development, but also improve security in the region. We cannot open a channel for a huge influx of desperate persons coming to Europe. We call for a new plan for the European Investment Bank to invest in the region, as was done by the EU to improve stability in the Western Balkans back in the 90s', said Franco Frattini, on behalf of the PA-UfM's Italian rotating Presidency."
I hope that you consider these actions.
Thank you for your time Mr. President,
Tomas Pena
regarding the events happening in the Middle East and North Africa, it is strongly suggested that you should consider instituting the Marshall Law in these countries. The Marshall Law, if used effectively, could "combat poverty and disease and allow the continent access to markets in the industrialised world". There is an opportunity for the US instituting the Marshall Law in these countries besides the growth of those countries. We can build a trade relationship with countries such as Libya, and Afghanistan. As it is, there are forces that dislike our occupation in such countries, but if we were to build up the countries, and help them prosper and become independent, then they could become mutually allied with us, or at least not against us. This would take a load off of debt that has been growing due to the war in Afghanistan and our efforts in Libya. Gordon Brown, the British Treasury Chief Gordon Brown has suggested some movements to instituting the Marshall Law. I like his idea of erasing debt, "Brown proposed erasing all the debts African nations owe to multilateral institutions like the World Bank, the African Development Bank and the International Monetary Fund." If we were to do this, erase the debt off the slate and allow those countries to grow and develop, then they could eventually assist us in efforts in the future such as stopping terrorism and keeping UN law enforced.
This quote sums up my feelings about the Marshall Law to be used in the 21st century,
"'A new Marshall plan should enable us to improve economic relations and development, but also improve security in the region. We cannot open a channel for a huge influx of desperate persons coming to Europe. We call for a new plan for the European Investment Bank to invest in the region, as was done by the EU to improve stability in the Western Balkans back in the 90s', said Franco Frattini, on behalf of the PA-UfM's Italian rotating Presidency."
I hope that you consider these actions.
Thank you for your time Mr. President,
Tomas Pena
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Honors Essay Blog
January 8, 1945
U.S. First Army
Ardennes, Near Bastogne.
Dear Mom and Dad,
Aside from knowing that the Germans are trying to kill me and my buddies, I have seen some of Europe while I was back in behind allied lines as an replacement for the war effort. The people of France were charismatic about the Americans when I had arrived. They were very friendly and accepting, and I could swear that the chicks there liked me and the other American soldiers. During the time of my arrival to France our forces were moving up, taking territory from the Germans.
It was a quick transition and before I knew it, I was sent to the front lines. That was in the summer. Now I am here with my buddies, hollowed out German tanks, and the harsh frost.
I have been freezing my butt off for some time now. The European Winter is taking its hold on me, and I am developing symptoms of a cold and frost bite. The temperature is so cold here that our vehicles have been experiencing engine freezing when they aren’t running, and our weapons need to be looked after constantly. Other than the cold though, I am still in one piece.
My company has been facing the Germans for days, and now there has been some withdrawal on the German’s part. As my unit moves on, we have seen many German tanks and other vehicles, abandoned. A buddy of mine told me that they must have run out of gas, and by some of my own exploring in a tiger tank, I discovered that the arrow of the gas meter was pointed towards the bright red E.
Thank god, I would not want to be facing one of those things. I have seen them in action before, and nearly got blasted to bits; thankfully artillery took it out before the shooting started. As of now we do not know what to do with the abandoned tanks, the higher ranked men in the Company are probably planning what to do with the tanks.
I bet a Commander somewhere would like to take one home as a souvenir. So far the only souvenirs I will be taking from the war are influenza and maybe a bullet wound, considering my chances in the future.
These Germans are getting desperate as we close in little by little. They pulled out, which thankfully gives us the chance to zone in. I think that this is going to be big, even though I am just a part of infantry, there are chances that I could step foot in Germany, and show the Germans a thing or two about how to fight for one’s country.
I want to return home but at the same time, victory is so close. For now I can only follow orders and do my mission to the end. If only an assassin somewhere ended Hitler, then I wouldn’t have to worry about being shot up. I’ve lost some of my closest friends during this damned freezing war, And I hate to see new recruits get hit hard. It is very… grim to see one of my own company getting blown to bits or shot…
Orders are to move out in the next couple of hours. We are reinforcing the lines that were held before the German attack. We will be moving up more afterwards, and then the Germans will be sorry.
I have to prepare, before I end this letter, how have you guys been? Are you doing good, holding up since my deployment? Tell my little brother that if he is good, I will bring something back from the war. If he acts up and gives you any trouble then I might just put him through physical training for a week or two. Brutal stuff.
I hope to hear from you guys soon, whether the war ends or just another letter is sent…
May the war end soon, with an American Victory.
Love, your son,
Thomas Wills
(Wikipedia on Battle of the Bulge- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_the_bulge )
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Semester 2 Blog 9
WW2 Propaganda
This is a picture of World War 2 Ally propaganda.
The picture was made to entice fear into the hearts of Americans. It shows Hitler and a Japanese soldier, ready to invade America. The sheer size gives a feeling that the two men are monstrous forces that are ready to move in and smash America.
My reaction to this is just... woah. It is freaky with the idea that these two men are bearing down on the US. On the other hand, I am slightly amused at how they depicted it, with the proportions of the men distorted.
WW2 War Photography
The date and author of the picture is barely visible. This image shows children who are contributing Aluminum for the war effort. It shows the public cooperation and work to keep their side of the war strong. This is what defines total war as an example, since this is one part of a total work force towards strengthening the U.S. Army.
This is a picture of World War 2 Ally propaganda.
The picture was made to entice fear into the hearts of Americans. It shows Hitler and a Japanese soldier, ready to invade America. The sheer size gives a feeling that the two men are monstrous forces that are ready to move in and smash America.
My reaction to this is just... woah. It is freaky with the idea that these two men are bearing down on the US. On the other hand, I am slightly amused at how they depicted it, with the proportions of the men distorted.
WW2 War Photography
A sobering photo of some of the cost of World War II: 121st Seabees, 4th Marine Division 1944. Same photo in "Life's Picture History of World War II" page 330 is captioned "Two Marines are shot by Japanese snipers as they hit the Saipan beach. This remarkable photograph, made by a Coast Guard cameraman, shows these members of an assault battalion at instant of their falling."
My reaction to this picture... It looks tense. Clear landing but at any moment the enemy could attack.
The date and author of the picture is barely visible. This image shows children who are contributing Aluminum for the war effort. It shows the public cooperation and work to keep their side of the war strong. This is what defines total war as an example, since this is one part of a total work force towards strengthening the U.S. Army.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Semester 2 Blog 8
Choice # 1) In a well developed, thoughtful piece of writing that uses direct quotes, explain the relationship between your honors novel and the time period that fostered it's creation.
My honors novel talks about the Vietnam War and the anti-war attitudes that were created during its duration. The author, Ron Kovic, describes his story of the Vietnam War. He illustrates the childhood fantasies of war and how society pushed him to join the military for the beginning duration of the book. Kovic talks about his childhood passions, and he mentions all of the people that were heroes to him when he was a child, "Like Mickey Mantle and the fabulous New York Yankees, John Wayne in The Sands of Iwo Jima became one of my heroes". The way Kovic was exposed to war and the military, the more inclined he was to join. This reflected a part of culture that was in the USA leaving World War II and nearing the Vietnam War. One scene really brings out the idea that society encourages military involvement when Marine recruiters come in to Kovic's high school and give a speech to all the boys interested in the military, "'The marines have been the first in everything... There is nothing finer, nothing prouder, than a United States Marine.'... I was going to leave on a train one morning and become a marine." Because of that one event, led on by American society at the time, Kovic joined the Marines and went to the Vietnam War, losing his legs and his lifestyle with 2 years of service and three bullets on the Vietnamese soil.
Kovic shows the change in attitude towards the war and growth of anti-war culture in America with his own internal change in view. He decided to protest against the war and partake in the anti-war cause as a speaker, telling his story to crowds of people. "The terrible injustice that took the lives of more than 58,000 Americans and over two million vietnamese. We had to act. We had to speak." This quote concisely brings out the feeling of the time, that nobody wanted the war anymore. This understanding of war and massive protest of it, routed in our culture now, is reflected today as it was during Kovic's time. And the same forces battle for supremacy, the forces that want to recruit people (including 18 year olds) for war, and those who want to prevent any military action as is possible. Kovics story thus covers the thinking of the time period and beyond, since before the Vietnam War, people were more ready to go into war for a cause. Kovic underlines the point with the anti-war argument that there was little point and reason for going into the Vietnam War.
My honors novel talks about the Vietnam War and the anti-war attitudes that were created during its duration. The author, Ron Kovic, describes his story of the Vietnam War. He illustrates the childhood fantasies of war and how society pushed him to join the military for the beginning duration of the book. Kovic talks about his childhood passions, and he mentions all of the people that were heroes to him when he was a child, "Like Mickey Mantle and the fabulous New York Yankees, John Wayne in The Sands of Iwo Jima became one of my heroes". The way Kovic was exposed to war and the military, the more inclined he was to join. This reflected a part of culture that was in the USA leaving World War II and nearing the Vietnam War. One scene really brings out the idea that society encourages military involvement when Marine recruiters come in to Kovic's high school and give a speech to all the boys interested in the military, "'The marines have been the first in everything... There is nothing finer, nothing prouder, than a United States Marine.'... I was going to leave on a train one morning and become a marine." Because of that one event, led on by American society at the time, Kovic joined the Marines and went to the Vietnam War, losing his legs and his lifestyle with 2 years of service and three bullets on the Vietnamese soil.
Kovic shows the change in attitude towards the war and growth of anti-war culture in America with his own internal change in view. He decided to protest against the war and partake in the anti-war cause as a speaker, telling his story to crowds of people. "The terrible injustice that took the lives of more than 58,000 Americans and over two million vietnamese. We had to act. We had to speak." This quote concisely brings out the feeling of the time, that nobody wanted the war anymore. This understanding of war and massive protest of it, routed in our culture now, is reflected today as it was during Kovic's time. And the same forces battle for supremacy, the forces that want to recruit people (including 18 year olds) for war, and those who want to prevent any military action as is possible. Kovics story thus covers the thinking of the time period and beyond, since before the Vietnam War, people were more ready to go into war for a cause. Kovic underlines the point with the anti-war argument that there was little point and reason for going into the Vietnam War.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Semester 2 Blog post 7 (Honors)
Mr. Black Liberty was born after the civil war, when Mr. Slavery lost the arm wrestle with Mr. American Justice. Lady Liberty had given birth to the little child on the hearts and minds of her African-American civilians, and from the day of his birth, Black Liberty was a fighter. Right after his birth, Black Liberty screamed with life and growing strength. His mother raised him up, with care, and it was only when he was a teenager that Black Liberty met his cousin, Discrimination. Discrimination was a nasty child, and the cruel kid was raised by his father, Mr. Slavery. All through school, Discrimination tormented Black Liberty, bullying him, deeming him unpopular, and going out with his girlfriend Black Beauty. Black Liberty struggled in his education, and he could hardly communicate with his teachers or other peers in America High School. This led to the disadvantage of Black Liberty, he couldn't develop at all, and as everyone in American Theology class knew, if one was to survive as a theology in America, they had to become big in the American population. Black Liberty decided to fight back against Discrimination one day, punching Discrimination in the face and causing a bloody nose. Discrimination did not stop though, he went to the principle and got his parents to scold Black Liberty. Black Liberty was in trouble, and he could not fight back without help. Several new kids began to attend school in the second semester, Black Rights, Women Power, Religious Tolerance, and Black Women Rights (nicknamed BWR). With these and other friends, Black Liberty was able to fight back Discrimination and when. It has been 2 year since then, and now Black Liberty and his fellow peers are in their Junior year of American Theology high school. With a lot less hate and torment in classes, Black Liberty continues through with his studies, and is doing exceptionally well with his grades. Discrimination still tries to pull tricks on Black Liberty, but with a lot less force than before, since Black Liberty and his friends have formed a strong group together (Called the Liberty Rights Squad). They are currently taking office in student council and ASB, and for now are the most influential students in American Theology High.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Semester 2, Blog 6
1. "Pitch 2: I would also like to write about the mistreatment of Asian and Cinema. There is a long history of prejudice and discrimination for Asians, especially in cinema. I would like to bring to life what I learned about it during my internship."
I like this pitch because it has an historical aspect to it. It not only portrays history, but it also relates to his work at the same time. This article could give the reader important knowledge into a part of the internship and the history related with it. If the author played his cards right and wrote the story well with some research material behind him, he could make a very deep article that could grab readers and make them enjoy the text.
2. "1) I'm thinking about doing one on a cat's/dog's POV. As how they feel once they come into the hospital. Scared, worried, whatever."
This pitch could make the article place the reader in a different point of view (in this case, the PoV of the animal involved in the story). It also hints at the author's internship and her passion for animals. The author needs to be careful to make the reading reflect a bigger concept. I really like the idea of twisting a point of view to make a big point about society.
3. "3. Although dentists are usually seen as scary horrific people, they are actually some of the hero's of the world."
This article pitch has the potential to bring a new thought to the reader. Not that all of the readers will hate dentists, but informing the reader with information about dentists and internship experience at a dentist office could make for a good article. I like the idea of clearing the bad light of dentists and bringing them into a good light for the public.
2. "1) I'm thinking about doing one on a cat's/dog's POV. As how they feel once they come into the hospital. Scared, worried, whatever."
This pitch could make the article place the reader in a different point of view (in this case, the PoV of the animal involved in the story). It also hints at the author's internship and her passion for animals. The author needs to be careful to make the reading reflect a bigger concept. I really like the idea of twisting a point of view to make a big point about society.
3. "3. Although dentists are usually seen as scary horrific people, they are actually some of the hero's of the world."
This article pitch has the potential to bring a new thought to the reader. Not that all of the readers will hate dentists, but informing the reader with information about dentists and internship experience at a dentist office could make for a good article. I like the idea of clearing the bad light of dentists and bringing them into a good light for the public.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Semester 2, blog 5
1. People work in society. In some instances, people tend to be more "robotic" than human in their work. They work, coming to and fro, almost like bees, buzzing along and working for the hive. Here is a point of view from an intern working with insects, and what he says looks alike between bees and the human race.
2. Every want to know what it would be like to work at the San Diego Natural History Museum? Ever want to get a taste of behind the scenes work with insects in the Entomology Department? Then this article is for you!
3. Work. Everyone must go through it. Question is, where to begin? One young man went through an internship experience to learn what 'work' really is. In his article, Tomas Pena will articulate his experience and how it has helped him to understand work.
2. Every want to know what it would be like to work at the San Diego Natural History Museum? Ever want to get a taste of behind the scenes work with insects in the Entomology Department? Then this article is for you!
3. Work. Everyone must go through it. Question is, where to begin? One young man went through an internship experience to learn what 'work' really is. In his article, Tomas Pena will articulate his experience and how it has helped him to understand work.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Semester 2, Blog 4
This article is inspiring because it has information about a big issue, and even though it touches up only a little on the issue, it creates big thoughts for the reader. It also implies that some action needs to be taken (such as not purchasing Apple products regularly or keeping an eye on Apple in case something else environmentally un-friendly occurs.) This is also a reminder of how society is degrading the environment with industry.
This article talks about school bullying and how it doesn't follow the stereotypical rule of 'Bully picking on the Nerd'. It talks about more of the social hierarchy in schools and how bullying can occur between rival students. It also concludes quotes from professionals on the subject (which I think is good for structure and perspective).
This article is about whether or not surgery should be done for OCD patients and patients of other psychological diseases. It includes both pro point of view and con point of view. Supplying both sides gives the ready a better understanding of the situation (although there is always support for a certain side later on in pro/con articles)
This article is inspiring because it has information about a big issue, and even though it touches up only a little on the issue, it creates big thoughts for the reader. It also implies that some action needs to be taken (such as not purchasing Apple products regularly or keeping an eye on Apple in case something else environmentally un-friendly occurs.) This is also a reminder of how society is degrading the environment with industry.
This article talks about school bullying and how it doesn't follow the stereotypical rule of 'Bully picking on the Nerd'. It talks about more of the social hierarchy in schools and how bullying can occur between rival students. It also concludes quotes from professionals on the subject (which I think is good for structure and perspective).
This article is about whether or not surgery should be done for OCD patients and patients of other psychological diseases. It includes both pro point of view and con point of view. Supplying both sides gives the ready a better understanding of the situation (although there is always support for a certain side later on in pro/con articles)
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Semester 2, Blog 3
The interviewer started with a great intro that got me hooked, and the engine is written well about that Forensic Scientist's work, and what motivates him in his work.
It starts with a conclusion and brings the reader perspective of the interviewer and the interviewee. It also goes into a description of the work that the interviewee has done. The interview goes in a question-answer format
The interview had a great engine throughout the entire story about JK Rowling's perspective in making her Harry Potter books and her social life. Big thoughts went through my mind and I really gained Rowling's perspective.
It begins with an excellent intro, and it goes through a question-answer format, with both the interviewer and interviewee point of view involved. It has additional information in attalics throughout the interview, and content wise its structure is good.
The interviewer started with a great intro that got me hooked, and the engine is written well about that Forensic Scientist's work, and what motivates him in his work.
It starts with a conclusion and brings the reader perspective of the interviewer and the interviewee. It also goes into a description of the work that the interviewee has done. The interview goes in a question-answer format
The interview had a great engine throughout the entire story about JK Rowling's perspective in making her Harry Potter books and her social life. Big thoughts went through my mind and I really gained Rowling's perspective.
It begins with an excellent intro, and it goes through a question-answer format, with both the interviewer and interviewee point of view involved. It has additional information in attalics throughout the interview, and content wise its structure is good.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Semester 2, Blog 2
I have read a little bit from the fable called "Our Iceberg Is Melting", by John Kotter. It tells about penguins who need to change where they live in order to survive.
What caught my attention from this tail is that many businesses who don't change usually cannot hold up very long against the changing economical and social environment. This is what the fable is trying to say, change is essential to survival. I have had a couple of chats about it recently even before reading the book and it seems to be essential and applicable to several situations.
What caught my attention from this tail is that many businesses who don't change usually cannot hold up very long against the changing economical and social environment. This is what the fable is trying to say, change is essential to survival. I have had a couple of chats about it recently even before reading the book and it seems to be essential and applicable to several situations.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Semester 2, Blog 1
The big Ideas that I take from my internship are:
Develop good people skills for work.
Get into a college that is right for me.
Choose a major that is right for me.
Be able to get a good career.
Try to get as much experience so that when the time comes when I need to get a job, I will be well rounded.
I plan to take up as many problems as I can this semester and be successful in solving those problems.
Develop good people skills for work.
Get into a college that is right for me.
Choose a major that is right for me.
Be able to get a good career.
Try to get as much experience so that when the time comes when I need to get a job, I will be well rounded.
I plan to take up as many problems as I can this semester and be successful in solving those problems.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Blog Post Internship FINAL WEEK!!! #1
I appreciate how helpful the internship experience was towards expanding my expectations for college and work. Thankfully there were people that gave me insight into college. Herold, Mr. Berrian, and other adults gave me tips and new expectations to how the adult world works. It seems that a lot of jobs are hard to find now and days. Thanks to the adults I have worked with, I have learned that the more education and experience, the better my chances are at getting a job.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Internship Days 11 and 12/ Blog post Week 3 #2
Blog post Week 3 #2:
The Mentor interview went well. I kept my cool, although when I began I was extremely nervous. But in the end it all worked out. We talked about college, and I was able to hear about his goals. He had originally wanted to go into Herpatology, but life, he said, provided him a different path. He went into Entomology. One of the quotes he used as advice was "Follow your Bliss". I like how he discussed the important for getting into a job that made life worth while.
The Mentor interview went well. I kept my cool, although when I began I was extremely nervous. But in the end it all worked out. We talked about college, and I was able to hear about his goals. He had originally wanted to go into Herpatology, but life, he said, provided him a different path. He went into Entomology. One of the quotes he used as advice was "Follow your Bliss". I like how he discussed the important for getting into a job that made life worth while.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Internship Days 9 and 10/ Blog assignment Week 3 #1
Internship Day 9:
Tuesday. Another seminar day. I went to work early and continued on my work from last week. When it was noon, I drove back home, had lunch, and went to school. The seminar was ok. I met up with people and chatted about their internship. It appeared that the difficulties of internship are setting in; Boredom, hard work, etc. Although this gives everyone an opportunity to get motivated for the last 2 weeks ahead (internship ends on the 28th)
Internship Day 10:
I went to work today (Wednesday), and I am glad that the drawer I am working on is almost done. I had to sort through some weird specimens, some of the jars and labels were messed up, and I could have easily mixed up different bugs (some vials contained more than one species). Luckily I got through ok, and chatted with my friendly colleges at the workplace.
Blog assignment week 3 #1
This is the main entrance. I go through here everyday so it is a major characteristic of where I work.
My workplace. This picture is a panoramic shot of the work room, and has the view of the equipment used during my work.
Tuesday. Another seminar day. I went to work early and continued on my work from last week. When it was noon, I drove back home, had lunch, and went to school. The seminar was ok. I met up with people and chatted about their internship. It appeared that the difficulties of internship are setting in; Boredom, hard work, etc. Although this gives everyone an opportunity to get motivated for the last 2 weeks ahead (internship ends on the 28th)
Internship Day 10:
I went to work today (Wednesday), and I am glad that the drawer I am working on is almost done. I had to sort through some weird specimens, some of the jars and labels were messed up, and I could have easily mixed up different bugs (some vials contained more than one species). Luckily I got through ok, and chatted with my friendly colleges at the workplace.
Blog assignment week 3 #1
This is the main entrance. I go through here everyday so it is a major characteristic of where I work.
My workplace. This picture is a panoramic shot of the work room, and has the view of the equipment used during my work.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Internship Days 6,7, and 9/Blog Assignment Post #4
Blog Assignment Post #4:
This internship is helping me to shape my consideration for the future and the paths I may take in the future. This is because I am learning from other volunteers about their college and career decisions. Many of them are unemployed and looking for work. They talk about their college experience and how they dealt with life growing up. This influences me greatly, as I see that there are a lot of challenges in store for me, but if I set myself in the right place, then I will be able to succeed with hard work.
Internhsip Day 6: I get back to work Wednesday. Today the work site is full packed with volunteers, and I find myself chatting with other volunteers in the middle of my work. Herold, the volunteer who was doing job searching in San Diego, chatted with me, and we talked about college situations and finding work.
Internship Day 7: Thursday. There are no volunteers today, just me and Austin. Different from yesterday, I worked through silence and felt sluggish, and time went by slow. Bugs and bugs and more bugs. Bugs. I listened to music but it hardly helped. I went home after work around 4:30 and discovered something; I felt successful and learned that when I am off... I am OFF! I felt so happy and relieved, and it felt like the weekend. One more day and the weekend will come.
Internship Day 8: FRIDAY! Herold came in today and we chatted about the job search, and more topics about college. To his discovery, the Job Fair that he went to only beheld 15 stalls if employers. Herold's struggle to find a job really influenced my outlook on getting a job, and I see that it is a tough time for people out there. I need to work harder if I want to be successful.
Working through the day, I felt weird, like the sorting bugs was a normality now. I felt bored at times, and even felt sluggish. But whenever I give myself a goal (12 jars a day, etc.) I feel motivated to get the job done, and two hours before, I began working more. When I got home, I felt great!
This internship is helping me to shape my consideration for the future and the paths I may take in the future. This is because I am learning from other volunteers about their college and career decisions. Many of them are unemployed and looking for work. They talk about their college experience and how they dealt with life growing up. This influences me greatly, as I see that there are a lot of challenges in store for me, but if I set myself in the right place, then I will be able to succeed with hard work.
Internhsip Day 6: I get back to work Wednesday. Today the work site is full packed with volunteers, and I find myself chatting with other volunteers in the middle of my work. Herold, the volunteer who was doing job searching in San Diego, chatted with me, and we talked about college situations and finding work.
Internship Day 7: Thursday. There are no volunteers today, just me and Austin. Different from yesterday, I worked through silence and felt sluggish, and time went by slow. Bugs and bugs and more bugs. Bugs. I listened to music but it hardly helped. I went home after work around 4:30 and discovered something; I felt successful and learned that when I am off... I am OFF! I felt so happy and relieved, and it felt like the weekend. One more day and the weekend will come.
Internship Day 8: FRIDAY! Herold came in today and we chatted about the job search, and more topics about college. To his discovery, the Job Fair that he went to only beheld 15 stalls if employers. Herold's struggle to find a job really influenced my outlook on getting a job, and I see that it is a tough time for people out there. I need to work harder if I want to be successful.
Working through the day, I felt weird, like the sorting bugs was a normality now. I felt bored at times, and even felt sluggish. But whenever I give myself a goal (12 jars a day, etc.) I feel motivated to get the job done, and two hours before, I began working more. When I got home, I felt great!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
INTERNSHIP DAY 4-5/ Assignment Blog #5
Blog assignment #5:
I have had some limitations in my internship involving motivation. There are some moments when I get bored and want to go home. Some timres the bugs don't interest me as much. Although my boredom can have a limitation on my work, the more I control it, and the more I deal with it, the more I learn about my ability to tolerance boredom in a future career. It prepares me to see that even though a job might be boring, it needs to be completed, especially if you need to pay the bills and/or support a family.
Internship Day 4:
Monday. I get back to work, starting off a new week. For this week I have another tray that I have to get through; same bugs, around the same number of jars. I begin.
Volunteers come in, and I meet a old lady named Fanny. She works on her project, sorting spider species. Everyone works quietly, and fortunately for me I remembered to bring my headphones (which are allowed), and use them to manage through the long day.
During lunch I explored for a cheaper place to eat. The Vollunteer Manager gave me a tip that there was a place called "Cafe at the Park". Luckily I found it and enjoyed cheaper and delicious lunch!
After work, My mentor informed me that I needed to input ours into the volunteer part of the museum website. When I went home I inputed all of the previous and present hours that I have done.
Internchip Day4 (Seminar Day):
Tuesday. I went to work, got through about 4-5 jars, and I 12:00pm I went home to grab lunch and go to school. My seminar started at 1:00pm, so I went and met up with my buddies and chatted with them about internship. It seemed like everyone was doing ok, if not better, on their internship. Cool Beans!
I have had some limitations in my internship involving motivation. There are some moments when I get bored and want to go home. Some timres the bugs don't interest me as much. Although my boredom can have a limitation on my work, the more I control it, and the more I deal with it, the more I learn about my ability to tolerance boredom in a future career. It prepares me to see that even though a job might be boring, it needs to be completed, especially if you need to pay the bills and/or support a family.
Internship Day 4:
Monday. I get back to work, starting off a new week. For this week I have another tray that I have to get through; same bugs, around the same number of jars. I begin.
Volunteers come in, and I meet a old lady named Fanny. She works on her project, sorting spider species. Everyone works quietly, and fortunately for me I remembered to bring my headphones (which are allowed), and use them to manage through the long day.
During lunch I explored for a cheaper place to eat. The Vollunteer Manager gave me a tip that there was a place called "Cafe at the Park". Luckily I found it and enjoyed cheaper and delicious lunch!
After work, My mentor informed me that I needed to input ours into the volunteer part of the museum website. When I went home I inputed all of the previous and present hours that I have done.
Internchip Day4 (Seminar Day):
Tuesday. I went to work, got through about 4-5 jars, and I 12:00pm I went home to grab lunch and go to school. My seminar started at 1:00pm, so I went and met up with my buddies and chatted with them about internship. It seemed like everyone was doing ok, if not better, on their internship. Cool Beans!
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Blog Assignment:
I am surprised that the work was manageable. When I first went in, I didn't know what was in store for me. Going through my first week, I have seen that with a little effort, I can get through my work easily and correctly. I am also surprised that I got through my first part of the project assigned by Mr. Berrian, I sorted out a tray and replaced old jars filled with insects with new jars, moving each insect, labeling it, and putting it in its proper place (organized into bees, ants, wasps, or misc*).
Day 2 of Internship:
I drove to work, and got in early. 9:00 am is when I started my work and throughout the day I was able to replace 24 bottles from both yesterday and today.
During my work, there was a different volunteer named Herald. Volunteers come in and out on certain days, and today Herald came in. While doing work, we asked each other questions and as it turned out he was unemployed. Being a volunteer to keep busy, he was searching for jobs in San Diego. He had until March and if he didn't find a job by then, he would move back to San Francisco where he lived before and look for a job around there. He had gone to a UC school that specialized in biology and the sciences. I wished him luck in finding his job.
These bugs are so interesting! I have my process down... for some of the work. Every so often I look a little bit more intensely at the insects through the microscope, and I love looking at their eyes. The structure is just plane amazing, and I lose myself in the middle of my work, almost like I am in another world. Then I wake up and get back to work, discovering that I am in just back in the quiet room looking through a microscope.
Day 3 of Internship:
I get to work, and throughout the morning some of the volunteers get in. A lot of people were here on friday, and my mentor even took a picture of the 7-people filled room. It was a good sign that work was going to get done, and I even finished my first tray of jars (basically the first assignment)!
The work was easier, and I was able to identify the insects better, and move quicker to sort them out. I felt satisfied at the end of the day!
I am surprised that the work was manageable. When I first went in, I didn't know what was in store for me. Going through my first week, I have seen that with a little effort, I can get through my work easily and correctly. I am also surprised that I got through my first part of the project assigned by Mr. Berrian, I sorted out a tray and replaced old jars filled with insects with new jars, moving each insect, labeling it, and putting it in its proper place (organized into bees, ants, wasps, or misc*).
Day 2 of Internship:
I drove to work, and got in early. 9:00 am is when I started my work and throughout the day I was able to replace 24 bottles from both yesterday and today.
During my work, there was a different volunteer named Herald. Volunteers come in and out on certain days, and today Herald came in. While doing work, we asked each other questions and as it turned out he was unemployed. Being a volunteer to keep busy, he was searching for jobs in San Diego. He had until March and if he didn't find a job by then, he would move back to San Francisco where he lived before and look for a job around there. He had gone to a UC school that specialized in biology and the sciences. I wished him luck in finding his job.
These bugs are so interesting! I have my process down... for some of the work. Every so often I look a little bit more intensely at the insects through the microscope, and I love looking at their eyes. The structure is just plane amazing, and I lose myself in the middle of my work, almost like I am in another world. Then I wake up and get back to work, discovering that I am in just back in the quiet room looking through a microscope.
Day 3 of Internship:
I get to work, and throughout the morning some of the volunteers get in. A lot of people were here on friday, and my mentor even took a picture of the 7-people filled room. It was a good sign that work was going to get done, and I even finished my first tray of jars (basically the first assignment)!
The work was easier, and I was able to identify the insects better, and move quicker to sort them out. I felt satisfied at the end of the day!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
INTERNSHIP DAY 1 (Blog Assignment Week One #9
Description of day:
I woke up, got ready, and headed to the San Diego Natural History Museum early, and arrived around 8:30. Nothing was really open, and I waited for a bit until I saw some other interns waiting at the staff entrance. I entered with them and proceeded to the work place. I was really anxious about the work to come and I was worried that I wouldn't know anything.
9:30, work began for me officially. My mentor, Mr. Berrian, explained to me two projects that I could undertake. One was a project on sorting through a donation of an ant collection, and the other was continuing a sort through several ant, wasp, and bee specimens caught around 2009 in Point Loma. I chose the latter, and still nervous about how I would fare with the project, I began. I had several trays, dozens of jars in each tray, 4 to 6 vials in each jar, and a specific type of bug in each jar. Most of the work consisted of moving the bugs out of the old vials and jars, and placing them into new ones (the old jars had a pop off cap issue; in the heat the caps would pop up a little and all of the alcohol would evaporate. Also the old vials were too small and I needed to place them into longer vials), while at the same time making sure to double check the labeling for the correct species. My mentor had pointed out some of the issues with the labeling and informed me that the last volunteer working on the project might have mistaken bug species and misplaced them with different species all in the same jar.
Taking this all in, I was really nervous, and my first steps into the work didn't calm me down. My pace was slow, and my process was no good, I had to figure out visually how the vials should go, and as I worked I spilled alcohol in some places. I was really troubled on identifying the bugs in each vial. I would ask some questions when the bug did not fit the standards on the key my mentor gave me. With some help I was able to push through some vials, and get some jars completed. At the end of the day my mentor pointed out that my labeling was off at parts because of the marker I had used (we had printed labels, I had marked the back side of jar labels coordinating with the type of bug species in each jar. The label paper wasn't the right kind and the ink bleeded into the alcohol a little). Before leaving for the day, my mentor mentioned to me that in this week I am still learning some of the ways to identify bees from wasps, and that next week it would be easier for me to sort through them (10 minutes or less for each bug est.).
I left around 4:45 there-bouts, and I felt satisfied, like I did something important. Even though it was only 6 jars done today, hopefully it will be 12 jars or more tomorrow.
The San Diego Natural History Museum's mission statement is:
"To interpret the natural world through research, education, and exhibits; to promote understanding of the evolution and diversity of southern California and peninsula of Baja California; to inspire in all people respect for the environment."
This impacts all of the employees, volunteers, interns, and visitors at the SDNHM because it is the soul purpose for the museum's existence; education. The SDNHM works not only to educate through its exhibits, but it educates everyone who works there, and the involvement in the museum extends all around San Diego, with projects going on in all of the fields. The Paleontology ward for example employs paleontologists to go around San Diego, working under a special law, to excavate fossils from pre-construction sites (if it wasn't for the specific law applying to construction sites, then fossils could be destroyed). The Entomology ward (this is the field I am interning in, Entomology), has entomologists that go into the field to collect and classify bugs, an entire room in the museum is filled with bug specimens filed away. The museum not only benefits the general public but leaves open the opportunity for scientific discovery and natural findings.
I woke up, got ready, and headed to the San Diego Natural History Museum early, and arrived around 8:30. Nothing was really open, and I waited for a bit until I saw some other interns waiting at the staff entrance. I entered with them and proceeded to the work place. I was really anxious about the work to come and I was worried that I wouldn't know anything.
9:30, work began for me officially. My mentor, Mr. Berrian, explained to me two projects that I could undertake. One was a project on sorting through a donation of an ant collection, and the other was continuing a sort through several ant, wasp, and bee specimens caught around 2009 in Point Loma. I chose the latter, and still nervous about how I would fare with the project, I began. I had several trays, dozens of jars in each tray, 4 to 6 vials in each jar, and a specific type of bug in each jar. Most of the work consisted of moving the bugs out of the old vials and jars, and placing them into new ones (the old jars had a pop off cap issue; in the heat the caps would pop up a little and all of the alcohol would evaporate. Also the old vials were too small and I needed to place them into longer vials), while at the same time making sure to double check the labeling for the correct species. My mentor had pointed out some of the issues with the labeling and informed me that the last volunteer working on the project might have mistaken bug species and misplaced them with different species all in the same jar.
Taking this all in, I was really nervous, and my first steps into the work didn't calm me down. My pace was slow, and my process was no good, I had to figure out visually how the vials should go, and as I worked I spilled alcohol in some places. I was really troubled on identifying the bugs in each vial. I would ask some questions when the bug did not fit the standards on the key my mentor gave me. With some help I was able to push through some vials, and get some jars completed. At the end of the day my mentor pointed out that my labeling was off at parts because of the marker I had used (we had printed labels, I had marked the back side of jar labels coordinating with the type of bug species in each jar. The label paper wasn't the right kind and the ink bleeded into the alcohol a little). Before leaving for the day, my mentor mentioned to me that in this week I am still learning some of the ways to identify bees from wasps, and that next week it would be easier for me to sort through them (10 minutes or less for each bug est.).
I left around 4:45 there-bouts, and I felt satisfied, like I did something important. Even though it was only 6 jars done today, hopefully it will be 12 jars or more tomorrow.
The San Diego Natural History Museum's mission statement is:
"To interpret the natural world through research, education, and exhibits; to promote understanding of the evolution and diversity of southern California and peninsula of Baja California; to inspire in all people respect for the environment."
This impacts all of the employees, volunteers, interns, and visitors at the SDNHM because it is the soul purpose for the museum's existence; education. The SDNHM works not only to educate through its exhibits, but it educates everyone who works there, and the involvement in the museum extends all around San Diego, with projects going on in all of the fields. The Paleontology ward for example employs paleontologists to go around San Diego, working under a special law, to excavate fossils from pre-construction sites (if it wasn't for the specific law applying to construction sites, then fossils could be destroyed). The Entomology ward (this is the field I am interning in, Entomology), has entomologists that go into the field to collect and classify bugs, an entire room in the museum is filled with bug specimens filed away. The museum not only benefits the general public but leaves open the opportunity for scientific discovery and natural findings.
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