
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Blog#17: More Opposing Viewpoints!

1. These articles effect my article for Life: the Book primarily because of the costs that vaccines play in healthcare. Take this quote as a good point, Randall Hoven, “A Conservative Case for Universal Health Coverage.”,
"If we are to be consistent libertarians, then the government should stop meddling in health care and health insurance altogether.  End Medicare.  End Medicaid.  Close down veterans' hospitals.  Stop funding medical research.  Stop funding pharmaceutical research.  Stop mandating vaccines.  Stop mandating emergency room treatment.  Stop mandating health insurance policies.  Stop doing those things that cost us 6.6% of our GDP when we have to kick in another 7% or more of our own." This quote elaborates that vaccinations supplied by pharmaceutical companies, and other medical research no less, are too expensive. In my article, I am fighting to prove the importance of vaccines. This article disregards the importance of medical technicalities. By the sheer attitude of this person, we can see a point of view that disregards vaccines and their uses.

2.) First off, it was hard to tell from the articles themselves whether the author was striving to tell a point that healthcare was too expensive or a point that healthcare was not expensive. In fact the second article that was supporting healthcare because it was not expensive, actually portrayed to me more that a government run healthcare overall was expensive... (quote was used above in #1). Also, the articles seemed more inclined to not have the health care plan today be issued. Like in Joel A. Harrison, “Paying More, Getting Less.”,

"Getting What We’ve Already Paid For

Americans spend more than anyone else in the world on health care. Each health insurer adds its bureaucracy, profits, high corporate salaries, advertising, and sales commissions to the actual cost of providing care. Not only is this money lost to health care, but it pays for a system that often makes it more difficult and complicated to receive the care we’ve already paid for.", It sounds like they oppose health care. With a closer examination, I think that they are really saying that health care now is bad and that health care run by government should be possible. They do word it awkwardly though...

As for the side opposing government health care because of how expensive it is, the article George F. Will, "Dr. Leavitt's Scary Diagnosis.", argues on that government medicare is a large example of the possible health care plan to come, which is way expensive. One thing that I disliked about this though is this quote, "Furthermore, nearly 30 percent of Medicare spending pays for care in the final year of patients' lives." This author acts like old people are a burden. He totally puts aside the fact that he himself might be running on healthcare. So what about it? Is he proposing to cut off medicare? Without it more people will die sooner (in the old age). Also, with the article, Larry Kudlow, “Obama’s ‘Public’ Health Plan Will Bankrupt the Nation.”, the author's writing is mainly towards a certain audience, with the way he speaks in his oppinion. He makes the healthcare plan seem absurd when he says things like "Utter nonsense.", or "Fictitious." The fact that he gives his opinion early on sort of turns me away from what he is getting at, because he is giving a harsh and negative light to the situation.

Overall, I am undecided about whether health care is too expensive or not that expensive...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Blog#16: Opposing viewpoints & Your Topic for Life: The Book

1. The way that these healthcare articles influence my book is that privately owned companies distribute vaccines, and changes in health care could effect the matter of how vaccines are distributed, meaning that the government might take control of vaccine distribution.

2. I believe that health care is a 'right', just like food and clothing and education. Some people argue that health care isn't a right, and they include that food, clothing, and education is not a right. The arguments that fall flat include:
---OPPOSING---In an article opposing health care, “Health Care is not a right,” by Iain Murray and Roger Abbott,

"As Alexis de Tocqueville put it so well: “It’s not an endlessly expanding list of rights—the ‘right’ to education, the ‘right’ to health care, the ’right’ to food and housing. That’s not freedom, that’s dependency. Those aren’t rights, those are rations of slavery—hay and a barn for human cattle.”" So eating food and getting a good education means that we are cattle? Where would this man be if he wasn't guaranteed a good education?!

"This is especially true when these types of “rights” expand to such areas as education, food, clothing, and housing... The true nature of rights — the type of rights the Founding Fathers believed in — involved the right of people to pursue such things as health care, education, clothing, and food and that government cannot legitimately interfere with their ability to do so." Does this man know exactly what the founding fathers intended? Only by the constitution, and it doesn't say that food, education, and health care 'aren't' rights. His statement here even disproves itself, he says that the government is not allowed to interfere the pursuit of health care, but won't government supplied health care bring that pursuit to reality?

In an article opposing health care, “There Ain't No Such Thing as a Free Lumpectomy: The folly of a "right to health care," by Jacob Sullum, it doesn't really include that food, clothing, and education isn't rights, but one good point that it included in the argument was that "A right to health care thus requires the government to infringe on people’s liberty rights by commandeering their talents, labor, and earnings. And since new subsidies will only exacerbate the disconnect between payment and consumption that drives health care inflation, such interference is bound to increase as the government struggles to control ever-escalating spending. Rising costs will also encourage the government to repeatedly redefine the right to health care, deciding exactly which treatments it includes."
This helps the argument by giving the reader a different view of the people who have to work with government run health care.

In an article supporting health care, "A Good Case for Universal Health Care," by Bryan Young,
the allusion to the Sermon of the Mount hints to the idea of everyone having a right to healthcare, "In the novel Jailbird, Kurt Vonnegut provided me with the perfect answer to these questions and it's very simple: "Why? The Sermon on the Mount, sir."" Even thought he article provided good situations, and stated that health care was a right like food or clothing, or education, was that this article had mainly emotional facts rather than actual statistics. 

the words are backed up with statistics, "46 million people have no health insurance and even more are underinsured with high deductibles and co-payments. At a time when 60 million people, including many with insurance, do not have access to a medical home, more than 18,000 Americans die every year from preventable illnesses because they do not get to the doctor when they should. This is six times the number who died at the tragedy of 9/11 - but this occurs every year.", but is there anyway to supply statistics to this? Even though the statistics aren't sited, it still makes me ponder on all the people who really need government run Health care.

In an article supporting health care, “We Are Not Free: Health Care as a Human Right,” by Helen Redmond, "When she considered changing jobs, the critical factor was the prescription drug coverage that a new employer would offer. She wondered, "In what other country would that be the deciding factor?" Only in America; a nation of health care hostages.
We are not free."
This quotation has a good argument, and is an example of the whole article's argument. That argument is that private healthcare could be impossible to pay depending on a person's situation. The use of "______ are not free" is a good use of the emotional part of the argument. Even though it has emotional aspects to it, this article also includes examples.

Over all, the articles aren't perfect. Some articles opposing healthcare having different segments in the articles that oppose each other, and it seems like they ignore the person not being able to pay for the private healthcare. The supporting articles for healthcare include emotional stories, some not supported by facts, others that are supported and bring a conflict in the reader by putting them in the situations described. 

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Blog #15: Life: The Book and American History

1. There is a quote best describing government involvement in medicaid and medicare:
 "In 1986, Congress enacted the Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act (EMTALA) to ensure public access to emergency services regardless of ability to pay. Section 1867 of the Social Security Act imposes specific obligations on Medicare-participating hospitals that offer emergency services to provide a medical screening examination (MSE) when a request is made for examination or treatment for an emergency medical condition (EMC), including active labor, regardless of an individual's ability to pay. Hospitals are then required to provide stabilizing treatment for patients with EMCs. If a hospital is unable to stabilize a patient within its capability, or if the patient requests, an appropriate transfer should be implemented." -
The government has institutions that provide medicare and medicade, but it doesn't provide personal health insurance. It does have laws that "ensure public access to emergency services regardless of the ability to pay", and this is regarded as a civil right for American citizens. Social security is guaranteed by the U.S government. The laws enacted by President Bush for health care include signing benefits for senior on medicare (Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act), and another law on social security. Obama is trying to enact a government-run health care system.
2. America's government role in scientific innovation: As shown by the article "The Covenant", President Bush opposed the scientific endeavor of stem cell research. Obama goes for scientific innovation. The government can issue grants for scientific studies.
3. Americans pay through taxes for general government health care such as health care for hospitals and social security. The government strictly facilitates taxes and how government provided health care is regulated.
4. Health care problems today in America include not being able to be covered by insurance because of occupation or health status, paying for high health insurance if you have a condition, and not being covered for a largely expensive and important therapy (such as medication for HIV, or other deadly diseases).

1. The components of making a compelling character include having lots of information on the character,  as long at it is relevant information to the article and information that connects to the readers. A compelling character can be analyzed deeply, and must contribute to moving the article along, such as being dynamic, not stagnant.
2. The components of making an interesting plot include having some sort of conflict, internal or external between to characters (like government vs. the people, or a person vs. their inner beliefs). The plot has to relate to readers and get them involved intellectually in some way, some deep theme that they can reflect upon. Within a interesting plot, there has to be many subplots, and other forms of plot structure, such as an introduction, a climax, and a resolution. Characters must be included in the plot, with both a protagonist and an antagonist.
3. Steps to getting non-jargon based scientific writing include getting simple quotes from scientists/experts, see what the public thinks on the scientific matter, translate information to casual examples, use metaphors, and describe in simple details, sort of like a summary of details.
4. Authors encourage readers to connect with the stories by putting in situations where readers are connected personally in some way. real life instances are included and the wording suggests how the readers themselves are involved.

(Possible characters:
Parents and their children [One parent example to use is my own parents, or the person who made this blog]
Doctors and experts (doesn't have information yet)
Private companies and manufacturers (need info)
Protesters of vaccines (need info))

Monday, October 18, 2010

Blog#14: Life : The Book & Humanities

1. Infancy - Infants and vaccines

2. The CDC is one government agency related to vaccines for babies (they actually are concerned for the health of Humankind overall). Some people oppose vaccines for infants. Here is one article from the CDC that approves infants getting vaccines:
Here is an article against vaccines:
Video against vaccines for their chemical contents:

3. Vaccines have helped in numerous advances in Human civilization with the battle vs. Viruses. Economically Medical companies earn money for providing vaccines, many people who are against vaccines use this as an excuse that vaccines are fake and dangerous.

4. REPEAT!!!

1. Old people - Old people and Alzheimers

2. There is a agency for Alzheimers, the Alzheimer's Association.
Video by the Alzheimers Association
Video on Alzheimers:
ANOTHER informational video:

3. Culture is being effected by Alzheimers, at least by my cultural experiences. I learned by my grandmother that alzheimers has been rampant in our family history. If it influences me, then what about the other families influenced by this genetic disorder. People are trying to find a cure, such as the Alzheimer's Association.
Video by the news on Alzheimers and trying to find a cure...

Friday, October 15, 2010

Blog# 13: Life--The Book

My three BIG ideas are:
1). INFANCY (care and vaccines)
1. Relevant stage of life because it is a vulnerable moment of every person's life. Babies getting vaccines is the biomedical part of the article. The treatment of babies and controversies surrounding vaccines for babies is the humanities aspect of the article. Another Humanitarian aspect is how could modern day products be harmful towards babies (such as toxicity in infant toys or food).

3. Genetically speaking, syndromes surrounding babies can have a profound effect on their life for the future (such as syndromes, or diseases that could effect them later)
4. Babies make up the fabric of living; how we care for babies, what products are used in raising a baby in today's culture.

2.) Old Age (Alzhiemers, Euthanasia)
1. Relevant to life, because a generation is passing and elders hold wisdom and information from our past. Biologically, Alzheimers is a very degenerative disease, effecting memory in the brain by a overload (or lack) of certain proteins in the brain. The Humanitarian aspect is that Euthanasia has a large controversy, and it depends on many factors of how the elderly are put to "rest".


3. Genetically, certain proteins are formed in the brain by genes, causing Alzheimers disease. Also Alzheimers could derive from lineage.
4. The way how we handle with our elders has a profound effect on society. Some people are put in 'homes', which holds some controversy with old people homes that have abused old people. Euthanasia is another topic, one that makes a person think deeper about themselves and their morals. Culture now and days are disreguarding old people, and have very little respect for the elderly.

3.) Adolescents
1. Adolescent part of life is an important part of the maturation process from child to adult, both mentally and physically. In some instances humanity wise, Adolescents are a population of people not to be ignored since in a couple of years they will become adults, and have a say in the government. In some instances biology wise, Adolescent population is made up of multiple people with different body type, different immunities, and so on. Tackling adolescents, like children, can be difficult even if they are becoming adults. Diseases could threaten adolescents, like the ever changing flu virus, and the way that adolescents aren't adult yet means that their immune systems could vary. That is where vaccines come in to help them become immune. Next time sick season comes around...


3. Genetically every teen is different in their own way, and the physical characteristics given by their parents begin to show in them.
4. Today's generation is changing, with adolescents having their words heard (although the tone of those words might be a little... yeah). In history, adolescents weren't really regarded as adolescents. You never hear the word 'adolescent' when you learn about the middle ages or WWII or the Han dynasty (totally unconnected things by the way).

(Sorry, just saw this picture and thought that it was hilarious! You do get the joke... right?
If you really need an explanation to this then please email me...)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Blog #12: Beginning the Internship Brainstorm

1#: I would like to work in a respectful environment. I would like to work with people who are serious about their work and I would like to work with a group of people. I would like to work in a cool office space of some sorts, not a cramped cubicle. It would be a comfortably calm workspace.
Here is a picture: It is more orderly and spacey...

2# I would like to be creative and to apply what I know to the work field. I would like to be involved in something and be able to help with that one job if I know it well.
to be honest, what ever skills are technical. All I know is that I definately will NOT be burger flipping...
Here is a picture: Tech

3# I would like to learn the inner workings of technology. I would also like to learn how the body works and how medicine can effect the body. Also mixing technology into medical sciences sounds really cool!
Here is a picture: A little something medical wise. How to diagnose with x-ray

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Blog #11: Twitter!!!

I read the article about scrapers. - 'Scrapers' Dig Deep for Data on Web

Scrapers are people who work to find information of people on the internet for clients. One specific instance of scraping that happened recently was a case where the site PatientsLikeMe had a break in. A scraper company, Nielsen co., was recording information of users in private chat areas on the site, and then transfered the data to their database. The information about users from PatientsLikeMe would then be given to certain medical companies, companies that uses specific information to create drugs for possible customers. This, and other scraper activity, fuels an outrage towards scraping. People dislike the fact that their information is being accessed for advertisers and such. The battle between websites and scrapers continue, some sites being heavily 'under siege' by scrapers. Scrapers on the internet is now more common in America, and with each scrapper comes the issue of whether or not scraping certain pieces of information is legal...

The article that I found was this:

It is about a test by a journalist on popular sites and the amount of cookies used by the sites to access information. A total of 50 major sites are tested...
This article is relevant to the Scraper article because it discusses about how companies/sites that access information, mainly unknown to most users.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Blog #10 (for lawyers and witnesses)

My thoughts as I head into trial:
1. Ok... some of my witnesses aren't working as well, and I feel like we should've gotten more time...
2. I wish that other teachers took into consideration that the lawyers and witnesses were doing work, because hmwk can overwelm, and take time away from the trial preparation.
3. I think that the questions are ready, and after I read the objections sheet I will edit them 1 more time.
4. Whatever information that we can get from the witnesses is what we get, I cannot find hardly any more places to put in questions based on different topics... I might as well go with it...
5. I do not think that I am prepared to cross examine witnesses, I need to practice more
6. I hope that my team wins the case, no hard feelings defense, but we are in it to win it...
7. I cannot wait for the weekend!!! Then I can relax.......... of course I would still have hmwk...
8. I am glad to have taken the challenge of being a lawyer...